Bucket lift donated to the club by Barry Rental of Twin
Falls. This is the second year they have loaned the club this unit.
Please patronize Barry Rental whenever you get a chance and tell them thanks
for their generous gift to the club! |
W0LVJ, KF7LDR (in the bucket) KC7QR, W7AAZ, AC7M and K7WKR inspecting
the 3-element beam and getting ready to assemble it and put it UP IN THE
AIR! |
How many hams does it take to put together a 3-element beam?
Five, apparently. They are KC7QR, KF7SVI, W7OUU, W0LVJ and W7WKR. |
OK...we have one piece left. Where does it go? W0LVJ, W7OUU,
K7WKR in background. |
OK...THAT's where that part goes. Good deal.
We're about done boys! |
Let's hoist this baby up and see how she flies! K7WKR, KC7QR,
KF7UFJ, W7OUU, W0LVJ in the bucket and KF7LDR working on the antenna. |
Rosemary Goodman, KF7UFI and Bob Rodman, KF7SVI,
anticipating the day. |
K7WKR...."It looks straight to me!" |
"Let's see...how did we do that last year? Anyone
remember? W7OUU, AC7M, KF7UFJ, AD7P. |
The setup sure looks impressive from Highway 93. Great job
everyone! |
Old Glory taking its rightful place above all else! |
K7MDI brought some of his expensive and sophisticated test equipment to
field day for all to see. Thanks Mike! |
The base of the 40-meter antenna brought by W7AAZ. |
W7AAZ - Getting the hang of the N3FJP Field Day computer logging setup.
Thanks to KF7LDR for getting this set up and working great! |
KF7UFI and OM KF7UFJ learning the ropes of their first field
day from Jim, W7OUU. |
One of the operating positions at field day. |
The 12-volt battery used to power one of the main
transceivers at field day was kept charged by this nice solar panel owned by
Terry, AD7P. Thanks Terry! By using battery power charged by
alternate energy the club got more points. |
This is W7OUU's six-meter station all set up and operating.
Unfortunately, the six-meter gods were not smiling on field day Saturday.
The band never did open. Jim did make one contact to a few miles away
to Dean, KI7CC, so it wasn't a total skunk. |
W7AAZ working CW contacts on 40 meters. A nice
shady spot for the day! |
W0LVJ operating the 20-meter station connected to the 3-element beam. |
Everything comes to a halt for the food. KB7RFT is at
the front of the line to get some good burgers cooked by Alex, KF7LDR.
Kelly, KF7UFJ, patiently waits in the background. |
AC7M and his XYL Janie digging in for some great field day food.
Everything tastes better OUTSIDE! |
Rosemary Goodman, a new Extra Class operator - KF7UFI,
learns how to operate the 20 meter station and how to make those contacts. |
Oscar, KC6GWG, looking on as Rosemary makes those contacts.
Oscar is the owner of the KOA Campground where our field day activities are
held each year. |
Oscar, KC6GWG and his XYL Kimberly, KD6GLL, the owners of
the KOA Campground and the perfect hosts for field day. We owe them a
great deal of gratitude! Thanks you two! |
Lots of contacts being made on 20 meters. KF7UFJ, KF7UFI and W7OUU
are making contacts and adding them to the electronic log operated by
Rosemary. |
This is the main server...the heart and soul of the N3FJP
logging system that was used for field day this year. This is the
first time the club has kept a score to be handed in to the ARRL for
recognition. Thanks to Alex KF7LDR and Mike, W0LVJ, for their work on
getting this up and running! |
The apex of the 40 meter dipole. Looking GOOD! |
Ten meters was not open a LOT field day but there were some
contacts made. W0LVJ shown here keeping an ear open. |
W7OUU in the background, taking a break. In the foreground, Dean,
KB7ANL, trying to steal donuts but captured by the quick eye of the camera! |
Watching a well-oiled machine rack up those points! |
Nothing can compare to the excitement of making that first contact!
Good food, good weather, good operating....all go together
to make for a GREAT DAY! |
KF7OBQ, AC7M, KF7UFH (et al) enjoying a good BBQ meal in the shade. |
A lot of big smiles went along with field day as old timer's
and newcomers alike share experiences of operating during field day. Here,
newcomer Kelly Goodman, KF7UFJ, shares his experiences with a big smile. |
Although Oscar (right) KC6GWG, owns the place and was kept hopping
throughout the day running his campground, he still took some time to share
some food and an eyeball QSO with Jim, W7OUU. |
W7CTH, KB7ANL (left) discussing the possibility of stealing
some donuts while AD7SH and W7OUU, (seated in the background at the right)
keep on making those contacts. |
More people, more food, more shade, more good times! |
W0LVJ, AD7SH listen intently as K7MDI discusses the benefit
of quantum physics as opposed to theoretical physics in the flight patterns
of hot air balloons over a desert environment as opposed to the surface of
mars. |
The XYL and family of KF7LDR displays her SENTSY
merchandise. |