2011 Winter Party
K7MVA H.O.T.Y. HAM OF THE YEAR Ham Of The Year Lee Kelly, K6ZVA, and Bobbie Kelly, KD7JKC, the recipients of the first annual | |
![]() | Dean Etherington, KI7CC (left) and "Dunk" Layton, KD7JKB, received special recognition for the time they spend keeping the clubs two repeaters going in tip-top shape. Most of the time they are doing it without anyone knowing. Thanks guys, we appreciate your help! |
Jan, N7BRL, and Rollie, KF7JGW, Zollinger were the "party planners." They did a WONDERFUL job planning the Hawaiian Luau. There were about 55 of us at the party and a good time was had by all. Someone asked, "how do you spell Luau?" :>)
One of the main party events was the raffle. Lots of neat stuff from the estate of Frank Allard, WB7O, was raffled at the party. The top prizes being an HTX-100 10 meter transceiver, a Heathkit 512 Mhz. frequency counter, the 2011 ARRL Handbook and a Heathkit HW-9 with power supply and SWR/Watt meter. The HW-9 was won by Jim Morrison, AE7JM from Ketchum. |
| Jim Kennedy, W7OUU and VP of the club, making an announcement. See the club banner to the left of the picture? That's one of the best logo's for a ham radio club that I've ever seen. Designed by Bob Castaneda, KC7QR. |
| We had just enough attendees to fill the room. If we have many more next year we will have to move to a larger banquet room. Wow, what a good problem to have, huh? We counted about 55 in attendance. |
| Kelly Jenrick, KB7RFT, making an announcement to the attendees. Kelly is the club Quartermaster. Thanks Kelly for your involvement in the club. |
| Expectations were high before the raffle began. We sold over $430 worth of tickets for the raffle. That's money the club can really use. Thanks again to the family of Frank Allard, WB7O, for donating his equipment to the club. This also will allow his equipment, and his legacy, to stay in the area. |
| The table holding some of the goodies for the raffle. There was some nice stuff in the raffle! |
Jim Kennedy, W7OUU and VP of the club, making an announcement. See the club banner behind Jim? That's one of the best logo's for a ham radio club that I've ever seen. Designed by Bob Castaneda, KC7QR. |
| The ham of the hour, Jan Zollinger, N7BRL. Jan and her hubby Rollie spent hours organizing this Luau and made it one of the most memorable. Way to go Jan and Rollie! Jan and Rollie have been appointed the "lifetime party planners" for MVARC. Jan says she already has some ideas for FIELD DAY! |
| Jan Zollinger, N7BRL, telling the crowd how she got her vanity call sign, N7BRL. She teaches brail. |
Steven Hellickson, KF7GTQ, was the helper for the evening. He pulled the winning ticket from the bucket and then ran the prize to the winner. He also won a couple of items in the raffle too. Thanks Steven, for your help. | |
| Bonnie Castaneda, XYL of Bob, KC7QR. Bonnie is watching Kelly's tickets for him while he reads off the raffle ticket numbers. |
Rick Widmer, KC7VKZ, giving us the rundown on his call sign. Rick just recently took the upgrade class from Bill Carver, W7AAZ, and Jim Kennedy, W7OUU, and not only passed his General but also took and passed the Extra Class. A double congrats to you Rick. Keep up the good work. | |
| Terry Nelson, AD7P, tells about his call sign origination. He and his lovely XYL drove down from Shoshone to join us for the night. |
Alex Payne, KF7LDR, showing off his latest fashion fling...flaming glasses. | |
| The XYL of Chris, W7CTH. Smiles of happiness. And thanks for letting Chris move about and take all of the pictures! |
Lee Schwindt, AD7SH, won several of the raffle items at the party. Congratulations Lee and you look really good in your Hawaiian outfit. |
| Jayson Maples, KC7EON, one of the big winners of the evening. Congratulations Jayson. |
Another proud winner in the reffle. K7THF, Terry Fletcher. Way to go Terry. |
| Jim Morrison, AE7JM, and Marlene Torres, KF7GIT, enjoying the evening. They both won several items in the raffle. Actually it was Marlene who won the HW-9 but I think Jim is going to use it if Marlene will let him! |
| Who is this wild and wooly guy? Oh, that's Kelly Klaas, K7SU, the club president. He is showing off the next item to be raffled. Behind Kelly is Jim Kennedy, W7OUU. He will be doing this raffle next year! |
Checking out a newly won raffle item. |
| The XYL of Jim Wiggins, N7MAJ, showing off her raffle winnings...a pretty necklace. There were raffle items of ham radio equipment and also some "not ham radio" items. Everyone seemed to appreciate the choice of items. |
John Wiggins, N7MAJ, winner of one of the raffle items. I think that was a Logic Probe so John can go probe some logic and see if it means anything. :>) |