2012 Winter Party
Pictures Courtesy Bob, KC7QR
K7MVA H.O.T.Y. HAM OF THE YEAR Ham Of The Year Bob Castaneda, KC7QR (right) and Kelly Klaas, K7SU (left), the recipients of the second annual "Ham of the Year" award. Bob and Kelly received the award for their efforts over the past four years to help build the membership of the MVARC and to make it a viable part of the community. During that time the meeting attendance has grown from around ten to between 25 and 35 for the monthly meetings and a lot of other exciting activities such as Field Day, VE Licensing sessions, club web site (WWW.K7MVA.ORG), a club email reflector, JOTA station and a lot more. |
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The winners of the major door prizes are from left, Sherm Stanley WA6IRN, John Berks KF7HZD, and Chris Hembree W7CTH. Sherm won the hard-bound edition of the ARRL 2012 Handbook. John and Chris each won a dual-band handheld VHF/UHF transceiver. John was especially excited because this is his FIRST radio. We now hope to hear him on the local repeater once in a while. |
Jan, N7BRL, and Rollie, KF7JGW, Zollinger were the "party planners" again
this year. The MVARC Winter Party simply would not be nearly as
exciting and interesting if it weren't for the planning and work of this
couple. They have been officially appointed as the MVARC party
planners for LIFE.
There was a wonderful video of the club activities over the last several years shown at the party...great memories that were captured via still pictures and video. The video was produced and edited by Bob, KC7QR with assistance from Jan, N7BRL. If you missed it, you missed a very nice archive of the club.
One of the main party events each year is the raffle. Lots of neat stuff is given away each year and it's not just ham radio related stuff. Jan gets items that the XYL's would enjoy also. We always have a lot of fun during the raffle drawing. |
As you can see we had quite a crowd at the party. We had some newcomers and some who have been around a while. There were between 50 and 60 who attended this year. Everyone seemed to have a great time and the food was good and plentiful. |
Front-left is Alex, KF7LDR, the MVARC Sec/Tres. His efforts are greatly appreciated in getting the technical aspects of the party set up and operational. In the back is Kelly, K7SU and to the right is the Connie WB6FYD, the XYL of Jim Kennedy W7OUU, the MVARC president seated to the right of Connie. |
Just some of the happy smiling faces of the attendees of the party. I hesitate to list names and call signs of those I'm not sure of as is the case here, but I will try. Starting at front-left: Chris, W7CTH, his XYL Marti, Jan N7BRL and her husband Rollie KF7JGW, Dale Hunter KF7JGX (I think..I will confirm this). Don, AD7QL, Rick, KD7VKZ and his friend who is obscured. Also, Darla Copmann, KB7VDK and David Copmann WA7SDO. |
More attendees starting front-left. Kelly, KB7RFT; Doc, AC7M (MVARC VP) and his XYL Janie. Sue Carver, XYL of Bill W7AAZ: XYL of John Berks then John KF7HZD: Several obscured then to Kurtis, KF7OBQ and Rebecca Jenrick, KD7MQF. |
The once I recognize here (starting front left) XYL of "Dunk" Layton, Dunk KD7JKB, Dick Shotwell W7GDA: Jody Shotwell W7GCX, and others obscured. |
Still others in another corner of the restaurant...Rex and his XYL, Terry Nelson AD7P and his XYL, Bonnie Castaneda and Bob, KC7QR. |
Mr. President....Jim Kennedy W7OUU, getting things going at the party. |
Jan Zollinger, N7BRL, asking the crowd questions about ham radio jargon as one of the activities at the party. |
Kelly Jenrick, KB7RFT, answering one of the questions about ham radio jargon. Dean Etherington, KI7CC, looks on with entertained enjoyment. | |
This smiling face belongs to Wyatt Wood KF7TFT, , one of the newest and youngest (15 years old) hams in the club. The MVARC should be in good hands for many years to come. | |
Dick W7GDA and Jody W7GCX Shotwell, looking over their newly won item in the raffle. |
Jayson Maples, KC7EON, one of the big winners of the evening. Congratulations Jayson. Jayson was headed home right after the party so cook up some holiday treats for NEXT YEAR. |
Our gratitude to the staff and ownership of the Happy Landing Restaurant at the Twin Falls Airport for their hard work in serving the unruly band of the MVARC. |