"Bil" Johnson K8MPW is a
resurrected ham from the past. After "Bil" got
relicensed not long ago he has stepped up to continue running the
Thursday night "Elmer's" net and has pitched in for many aspects of
the club. He is always willing to help out with any club
activities. |
2015 |
Bob Castaneda KC7QR is the
only club member to have served
as President, Vice President and Sec/Treasurer. He has supervised
and organized the setup
for Field Day and the annual Swap Meet for several years. His dedication to
club is recognized twice as HOTY. Bob is always willing to teach
new hams all aspects of the hobby. |
2014 |
Dean Etherington KI7CC (left) and
"Dunk" Layton KD7JKB
both maintain the clubs repeaters in the valley. Their untiring
dedication has
kept the repeaters working night and day for many years.
2013 |
Steve Hagerty K7WKR (left) does so
many things for MVARC behind the scenes. Besides
being the "trivia expert" in all things, Steve wrangled the paperwork
for the 501(c)(3) project.
He also arranges many of the events and keeps us all organized.
Terry Fletcher K7THF is the MVARC ARES coordinator. He is the club
liason for the ARES
group and works with local public safety groups during certain emergency
exercises and events. |
2012 |
Oscar (K7KOA) and Kim (KD6GLL)
Carranza are owners of the KOA Camp Ground in Jerome.
MVARC has held MANY events at their facility. MVARC owes a great
deal of gratitude for
their hospitality.
Jim Kennedy W7OUU is always donating his time and expertise to the
club members, whether it's teaching
them how to operate their radios, teaching them a new mode, or helping
fix their gear. |
2011 |
Kelly Klaas K7SU (left) and
Castaneda KC7QR worked in unison to build the membership
of MVARC by reorganizing it into its own non-profit status and starting
a mail list. These steps
helped to solidify the group and the membership has grown since. |
2010 |
This was the first year MVARC began awarding the HOTY.
Lee and Bobbie Kelly K6ZVA, KD7JKC were instrumental in keeping
the club active for several years. They built the ARES Comm
Trailer that was
purchased by the State of Idaho and MVARC is now the "keeper of the
trailer" for use in emergencies. |
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