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Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club
- Getting your license -

What you can do as a licensed "ham."

You can talk to other ham radio operators all over the world.
You can talk through amateur satellites to other hams.
You can talk to others by bouncing your radio signal off the moon.
You can talk to others by bouncing your radio signals off metorites.
You can interface your computer to your transceiver and use the keyboard to talk to others.
You can talk to other hams using a telegraph key and the International Morse Code.
You can put a transceiver in your car and talk to others worldwide while motoring down the highway.
And this is just the beginning.

How you can get your license...

First, there are three levels of ham radio licenses. The level that is considered the beginning level is the TECHNICIAN class. To achieve this you must
pass a 35 question test dealing with electronic theory, operating rules and regulations and other issues dealing with ham radio. When you are licensed as a TECHNICIAN class amateur you have some of the privileges that are given to the highest level of licensees. The next level is the GENERAL class. To achieve the GENERAL class you must take another 35 question test that deals with more theory and rules. With this class license you are given more, but not all the privileges that the highest class licensee gets. The highest level of amateur radio license is the EXTRA class. Holders of the EXTRA class have all the privileges afforded to amateur radio operators in the U.S. This requires another 50 question test.

Please note...the knowledge of the International Morse Code is no longer required.

Where you can take the test...

All amateur radio license exams are administered by Volunteer Examiners. The best place to check is the local ham radio club in your area. In the Twin Falls area the Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club administers exams six times per year. Click HERE for more information.

What about a radio...

Radios, or as they are usually referred to, transceivers (transmitter and receiver all in one unit) can be purchased  used. Just starting out you may want to try a used radio which are available at online classified ad site, auction sites, or even locally.. Check your local ham radio club to get some guidance on this. Due to the plethora of radios available today it would be impractical to talk about it here. But you can expect to pay anywhere from $50 and up for a used radio and anywhere from $500 and up for a new radio. Keep in mind that it is NOT necessary to purchase a new radio when you start out.

Where you can find more information...

The internet is a valuable resource for information on "ham" radio. You can do a "Google" search for "amateur radio," "ham radio," etc. and get more information than you can forge through in a month. Below are some links that will help you get started.

American Radio Relay League - The "mother" club for amateur radio activity in the U.S.
QRZ - Information, classified ads, call sign lookup, sample tests you can take to practice.
QTH - Information, classified ads
eHam - Information, equipment reviews
QRZ for practice exams

If you need more information, you can email MVARC.

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